Master of Fine Arts, Department of Photographic, Graduate School of Industrial Arts, Hongik University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Doctor of Philosophy, Construction Materials & Construction Management,
Hanyang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Master of Fine Arts, Department of Interior Architecture, The School of the Art
Institute of Chicago, U.S.A
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Department of Applied Arts, College of Education
Hanyang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Currently, Honorary Architect, Korean Institute of Architects
Currently, Honorary President, Korea Women's Society of Architects & Engineers
Currently, Participating Director of the Architectural Institute of Korea
Vice President, Architectural Institute of Korea
Department of Architecture & Interior, Tongwon University,
Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Lid Design
Hanwha Engineering & Construction Corporation
Mies van der Rohe Institute of Architecture (Dirk Lohan)
GS Engineering & Construction
《Asian Cityscape & Korean Ecological Landscape》, Asian Culture Center ACC Creation Space 6, Gwangju Metropolitan City
《City Harmony, City Identity》, Chungmuro Gallery, Seoul, Republic of Korea
《Asian Cityscape》, Gunsan Art Center, Gunsan, Republic of Korea
《Asian Cityscape》, Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul, Republic of Korea
《Cities, their Ecological Landscape》, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Republic of Korea
《Transformed Cityscape》, Gyo Dong Museum of Art, Jeonju, Republic of Korea
《Cities, their Ecological Landscape》, Bongsan Cultural Center, Daegu, Republic of Korea
《Cities, their Ecological Landscape》, Gallery Insa Art, Seoul, Republic of Korea
《Extened Sense》, Yart Gallery, Seoul, Republic of Korea
《2019 POST PHOTO》, Topohaus, Seoul, Republic of Korea
《City, Landscape _ A Strange Scene》, Gallery Now, Seoul, Republic of Korea
《POST MAY》, Hongik Museum of Art, Seoul, Republic of Korea
《POST PHOTO 2017》, Topohaus, Seoul, Republic of Korea
《Memory, Sense, Reason, and Variation》, Yongin Poeun Art Hall, Yongin,
Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
《POST PHOTO 2016》, Hongik Museum of Art, Seoul, Republic of Korea
International Photography Awards
- Asian Cityscape, Jakarta
- Asian Cityscape, Macao
- Asian Cityscape, Singapore
- Asian Cityscape, Tokyo
International Photography Awards
- Seoul Ecological Landscape
- Incheon Ecological Landscape
- Chuncheon Ecological Landscape
- Chungju Ecological Landscape
- Cheongju Ecological Landscape
- Sangju Ecological Landscape
- Jeonju Ecological Landscape
『Asian Cityscape』 , PHOTO ART
『Cities, their Ecological Landscape』 , PHOTO ART
『AutoCAD 2020』 sejinbook , 『AutoCAD 2015 』 kkwbook ,
『Woman Engineer Becomes the Light of the World』 witeck , 『AutoCAD 2013』 kkwbook ,
『We Build a City』 kkwbook ,
『A Study on the Establishment of the Minimum Standard for Temporary Shelter in Natural Disaster』 kia ,
『3699 Spatial Design Modeling』 kkwbook , 『AutoCAD 2008』 kkwbook , 『Interior Design Modeling』 kkwbook , 『AutoCAD 2005』 kkwbook , 『Furniture Interior Modeling』 kkwbook , 『AutoCAD 2002』 sejinbook ,
『Photoshop Plus Portfolio』 sejinbook , 『AutoCAD 2000』 sejinbook , 『AutoCAD 14』 sejinbook ,
『AutoCAD 14 for Architecture and Interior Architecture』 sejinbook , 『AutoCAD 13』 sejinbook ,
『History of Modern Chair Design』 kimoondang
Architectural Institute of Korea, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Jarchiv, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Heerim Architects & Planners
Korea Construction Engineers Association, Seoul, Republic of Korea
HAEAHN ARCHITECTURE, Seoul, Republic of Korea
SPACE GROUP, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Gyo Dong Museum of Art, Jeonju, Republic of Korea
홍익대학교 산업미술대학원 사진디자인전공 석사
한양대학교 건축공학과 박사
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago 석사
한양대학교 사범대학교 응용미술학과 학사
현재 (사)한국건축가협회 명예건축가
현재 (사)한국여성건설인협회 명예회장
현재 (사)대한건축학회 참여이사
(사)대한건축학회 부회장
동원대학교 건축인테리어과
미스 반 데 로에 건축연구소 (Dirk Lohan)
《아시아 도시풍경과 한국 도시탐구》, 국립아시아문화전당 문화창조원 복합전시6관, 광주광역시
《City Harmony, City Identity》, 충무로갤러리, 서울
《Asian Cityscape》, 군산예술의전당, 군산
《Asian Cityscape》, 금호미술관, 서울
《도시, 생태학적 풍경》, 예술의전당, 서울
《Transformed Cityscape》, 교동미술관본관, 전주
《도시, 생태학적 풍경》, 봉산문화회관, 대구
《도시, 생태학적 풍경》, 갤러리인사아트(구 인사아트스페이스), 서울
《Extened Sense》, Yart Gallery, Seoul, Republic of Korea
《2019 POST PHOTO》, Topohaus, Seoul, Republic of Korea
《City, Landscape _ A Strange Scene》, Gallery Now, Seoul, Republic of Korea
《POST MAY》, Hongik Museum of Art, Seoul, Republic of Korea
《POST PHOTO 2017》, Topohaus, Seoul, Republic of Korea
《Memory, Sense, Reason, and Variation》, Yongin Poeun Art Hall, Yongin,
Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
《POST PHOTO 2016》, Hongik Museum of Art, Seoul, Republic of Korea
International Photography Awards
- Asian Cityscape, Jakarta
- Asian Cityscape, Macao
- Asian Cityscape, Singapore
- Asian Cityscape, Tokyo
International Photography Awards
- Seoul Ecological Landscape
- Incheon Ecological Landscape
- Chuncheon Ecological Landscape
- Chungju Ecological Landscape
- Cheongju Ecological Landscape
- Sangju Ecological Landscape
- Jeonju Ecological Landscape
『Asian Cityscape』 , 사진예술
『도시, 생태학적 풍경』 , 사진예술
『AutoCAD 2020』 세진사 , 『AutoCAD 2015 』 건기원 ,
『여성엔지니어 세상의 빛이 되다』 한국여성공학기술인협회 , 『AutoCAD 2013』 건기원 ,
『We Build a City』 건기원 , 『재난재해시 임시주거공간의 최소기준 설정 연구』 (사)한국건축가협회 ,
『3699 공간디자인 모델링』 건기원 , 『AutoCAD 2008』 건기원 , 『실내디자인 모델링』 건기원 ,
『AutoCAD 2005』 건기원 , 『가구인테리어 모델링』 건기원 , 『AutoCAD 2002』 세진사 ,
『포토샵 Plus 포트폴리오』 세진사 , 『AutoCAD 2000』 세진사 , 『AutoCAD 14』 세진사 ,
『건축과 실내건축을 위한 AutoCAD 14』 세진사 , 『 AutoCAD 13』 세진사 ,
『현대 의자디자인 역사』 기문당
(주)에이치케이건축사무소, 서울
사단법인 대한건축학회 건축센터, 서울
(주)제이아카브, 서울
한국건설기술인협회, 서울
(주)행림종합건축사사무소, 서울
(주)해안종합건축사사무소, 서울
공간 그룹, 서울
교동미술관, 전주